Published on January 3, 2023
Read Time: 1 Minute
Tate Michael Huffman was the first baby born at Phelps Health in Rolla, Missouri, in 2023, arriving bright and early at 3:00 AM, Monday, January 2, 2023. He weighed 8 pounds, 11.1 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
His mother and father, Shelby and David Huffman, of Vienna, Missouri, welcomed Tate into this world. This is their first child, and his original due date was January 17.
“I was surprised to go into labor early,” Shelby said. “Being the first baby of the year will be a fun story to share with him when he gets older.”
As in previous years, the first baby of the new year receives gifts and baby items to celebrate the event. This year, the Phelps Health Labor and Delivery Unit donated a Pack ‘n Play full of baby clothes, toys, accessories, supplies and more.
The Huffmans are thankful for a wonderful, first-time birth experience. The delivering doctor was Phelps Health Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN) Wesley “Wes” Harden, MD, FACOG.
“The staff and team at Phelps Health have been amazing,” Shelby said. “They’ve also provided education and tips, which is extremely helpful for first-time parents.”
On average, more than 800 babies are born at Phelps Health each year.

Learn More About Labor and Delivery
At Phelps Health, our OB/GYN and maternity care team is here to help you before, during and after pregnancy. Learn more about obstetrics and nursery services offered at Phelps Health.