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Visiting Phelps Health

Visiting Hours

All patient units have visiting hours from 7:00 AM-10:00 PM with the exception of the following areas:

  • Intensive Care Unit (Second floor, north side)—Please check in at the nurses’ station before visiting.
  • Center of Psychiatric Services (Fourth floor, south side)—6:00-8:00 PM.

Note: Hours may vary by unit and patient condition. Please call ahead. 

Calling for Updates
Each patient is assigned a patient passcode. We recommend designating one contact person to receive updates and information about your loved one. With the patient's consent, the contact person will receive a four-digit passcode and can call the unit anytime for updates.

For the health and safety of your children and Phelps Health patients, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Children under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times and should not be left in the lobby or other areas of the hospital without adult supervision.
  • A child entering a patient’s room should wash his or her hands before visiting the patient.
  • Children under the age of 12 years old are not allowed to visit in isolation rooms.
  • Children ages 12 or older may visit a patient in an isolation room after following the appropriate precautions.
  • Children with colds, sore throats or any other contagious diseases should not visit patients. Please leave sick children at home so other patients are not put at risk for infection.
  • Children age 18 and under are discouraged from visiting during flu season, which typically occurs during the months of December through March.
  • Children entering the hospital for treatment or tests should wear a mask. For your convenience, masks are located at each main entrance.
  • Children age 18 and under are not allowed to stay overnight in the patient rooms unless they are patients. They may not stay in the waiting room without a parent or guardian present.

COVID-19 Positive Patient Visitation:

  • Limited 2 visitors at a time
  • Visitor must be over the age of 18
  • Visitors must comply with the recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, which include wearing a universal N-95 mask. (We will provide the universal N-95 mask with a paper bag for visitors to keep with them.) If the patient is still present on the fourth day, we will provide a replacement N-95 mask with a new one.
visitor hours, visitor policy, visitation hours, visit patient, hours for visitors