Published on August 19, 2020

The American Board of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (ABPLM) announced that Bohdan A. Lebedowicz, MD, a Phelps Health physician, received the Certified Medical Director (CMD) designation earlier this year.
Dr. Lebedowicz, who specializes in senior care and internal medicine at Phelps Health, is one of about 2,136 physicians who currently have the CMD designation. Dr. Lebedowicz also serves on the board of directors for the Missouri Association of Long-Term Care Physicians.
The ABPLM CMD credential program recognizes the dual clinical and managerial roles of a medical director. Certification requires indicators of competence in clinical medicine and medical management in post-acute and long-term care.
The certification process is based on an experiential model that incorporates existing mechanisms such as fellowship programs, board certification, continuing medical education, ABPLM-approved and AMDA-sponsored courses in medical direction, and other continuing education programs to fulfill certification requirements.
Meet Dr. Lebedowicz
Bohdan Lebedowicz, MD, is an internal medicine and senior care physician with Phelps Health.